Activities and outcomes

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World Maritime Week attendees learn about KONFLOT’s progress in its first year of life

Between 21 and 23 March the fair was held in Bilbao Exhibition Centre where the Basque Energy Cluster has had a stand shared with Tecnalia...

The KONFLOT research project is presented at the Energy Cluster (ACE) Sectoral Wind Energy Forum

On 16 December, a new meeting of the Sectoral Forum took place at the Euskalduna Palace, where Eider Robles from Tecnalia presented the KONFLOT project...

KONFLOT participates in the REIF 2022 event in Fukushima (Japan) through its presence at the stand of the Energy Cluster Association (ACE)

El Cluster de Energía ha participado en una de las ferias más importantes de Japón en el ámbito de las energías renovables en un stand...

Basque Energy Cluster presents KONFLOT at the global onshore and offshore wind fair WindEnergy Hamburg 2022

The fair held between 27 and 30 September brought together the main players in the wind sector in Europe. The Energy Cluster had its own...

KONFLOT research project takes off to establish design methodology through CCD for floating generating devices

At a meeting held on 21 September in Tecnalia (Zamudio) the KONFLOT consortium had the opportunity to meet and align its objectives. Representatives of TECNALIA...