KONFLOT presented at the IX Marine Energy Conference

The IX Marine Energy Conference, organised by JRL-ORE and Euskampus Fundazioa with the collaboration of UPV/EHU, TECNALIA and BCAM, took place on Wednesday 21st June, where project partners had the opportunity to present the project.

Marcos Suarez from the Basque Energy Cluster made a previous presentation giving an overview of the trends and prospects of the offshore wind sector and then highlighted the potential of the offshore wind sector in the Basque Country showing key data such as number of companies, employment or number of platforms.

After this contextualisation, Eider Robles from TECNALIA and Markel Peñalba from MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA presented KONFLOT, the ELKATEK project focused on the co-design of the control of floating renewable technologies.

Each presented the progress made in the two case studies on which the consortium is working. On the one hand, the case study on floating wind power platforms and, on the other hand, the case study on wave energy converters.