KONFLOT research project takes off to establish design methodology through CCD for floating generating devices

At a meeting held on 21 September in Tecnalia (Zamudio) the KONFLOT consortium had the opportunity to meet and align its objectives.

Representatives of TECNALIA, BCAM, UPV/EHU, MONDRAGON GOI ESKOLA POLITEKNIKOA, IKERLAN and BASQUE ENERGY CLUSTER met face-to-face at the TECNALIA facilities (leader) to define the tasks in which they will work during the coming months.

At this first meeting, the Basque Energy Cluster presented the logo to be used for the dissemination material. In addition, the tasks to be addressed in the different work packages were rearranged in order to achieve the objectives set in the best way.

On behalf of the Basque Energy Cluster, some of the communication and dissemination activities that will be carried out to give visibility to the project and attract stakeholders in the value chains of offshore wind energy, as well as in wave energy were presented.