The Advisory Board of the KONFLOT project has met with the consortium to analyse and validate the first results

The members of the Advisory Board, HINE, IDOM, NABLA WIND, NAUTILUS and SAITEC have had the first bilateral meetings with the KONFLOT partners in which they have provided their comments on the progress made during the first year with the aim of supporting the focus of future activities.

The Advisory Board of an R&D project is a consulting body external to the project partners, made up of potential customers, experts or representatives of interest groups related to the project technologies, who are asked to analyze the progress of the project and provide their opinions and visions regarding its development.

The members of the KONFLOT Advisory Committee are relevant players in the offshore wind field, such as HINE, NABLA WIND, NAUTILUS and SAITEC, and in wave energy, such as IDOM.

To date, each member of the Advisory Committee has had a first bilateral meeting with the project consortium. In these meetings, they have had the opportunity to share their comments on the future evolution of KONFLOT by validating the technical progress and analysing the first results. The meetings that have taken place are as follows:

  • Bilateral meeting with HINE: 18 May 2023
  • Bilateral meeting with NABLA WIND: 8 June 2023
  • Bilateral meeting with SAITEC: 8 June 2023
  • Bilateral meeting with NAUTILUS: 22 June 2023
  • Bilateral meeting with IDOM: 27 July 2023

The involvement of the Advisory Board in monitoring the progress of the project minimises risks and ensures that the results have a practical application in technology design.